Sorry but it’s true, you should be worried about cyber crime.  Cyber crime is perpetrated on an industrial scale, being actively encouraged by some rogue national regimes.  Automation and AI have led to an exponential increase in attack volumes; therefore small to medium sized businesses are now threatened by cyber criminals.

There have been some recent high profile cases.  Late 2023 saw CTS who provided IT services to law firms being hit by a ransomware attack.  CTS managed to recover their systems but not before many house purchases were disrupted for over a month.  CTS subsequently went into administration but fortunately their assets were purchased by another firm in their sector.  730 jobs were lost when transport company Knights of Old folded having been attacked in September 2023.  The following month an employee of Kent Brushes was tricked into giving thieves access to the company account which led to the loss of £1.6m in 20 minutes.

We partner with Bitdefender whose award winning protection will bolster your defences against cyber crime.  PC Magazine deemed Bitdefender’s GravityZone as Outstanding and their Editor’s Choice.  Bitdefender is more than just antivirus, it’s layers of security aimed at stopping threats reaching networks and devices.

Attacks commonly fall into two categories.  During a phishing attack the cyber criminal seeks to capture log-in credentials to gain access to email accounts, banking, apps and databases enabling them to send fake invoices to customers, steal funds, commercial secrets and intellectual property.  Ransomware attacks lock devices, databases and apps until a ransom is paid.  Even if a ransom is not paid recovering from the attack will be expensive and time consuming leading to business failure as described above.  If a ransom is paid businesses can be viewed as a soft target making further attacks more likely.

The majority of cyber attacks are introduced by mobile devices and email which can be protected by Bitdefender’s layered security solutions.  We’d welcome the opportunity to discuss your cyber security needs.  Even if you have existing protection in place it’s still worth having a conversation.  We can tailor a Bitdefender package on a 30 day rolling term.  Please get in touch!